Can anybody explain this uucp spool directory setup?

Martin M Lacey martinl at molihp.UUCP
Sat Jan 4 05:14:01 AEST 1986

In article <579 at sigma.UUCP> bill at sigma.UUCP (William Swan) writes:
>In our directory (/usr/spool/uucp/) there are several subdirectories. I am
>not entirely sure what they are used for, and the documentation for our 4.2bsd
>system makes absolutely no mention of them. I have made some guesses as to the 
>functions, but would appreciate correction (to aid a program I am writing).
>William Swan  {ihnp4,decvax,allegra,...}!uw-beaver!tikal!sigma!bill

	The file format is:
		type.system-name grade number

	where type is:
			C - copy command file;
			D - data file;
			X - execute file;
	where system-name is the remote system;
	grade is a character (priority letter, I believe, A being highest);
	and number is a 4 digit sequence number that is pulled out of the
	fine /usr/lib/uucp/SEQF.

	others are:
			TM - temporary data file, while files are being
			     copied from a remote machine.
			     (format: where pid is the process
			      id and ddd is a 3 digit sequential number )
			XTM - temporary execute file, with the same description
			      as the TM file (I think).

	I hope this gets to you in time to be of help.
				Magic Martin.

<DISCLAIMER:  Opinions or ideas expressed are all mine, mine!...
	Dispite fears, I don't read others thoughts and display
	them - without permission.  Rest easy associates.	  >

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