anyone running Nmake or ASD?

mcdaniel at uicsrd.UUCP mcdaniel at uicsrd.UUCP
Wed Jan 21 09:18:00 AEST 1987

I'm interested in nmake.  Is it really that much easier to use than
make?  Is it so easy that people can be convinced to actually USE it??
Like rcs and lint, it seems that people generally will NOT use make
unless ordered to by superiors.

[My dream: to have nmake help in formatting papers (with ditroff, pic,
dieqn, tbl).  I'd like to be able to write something like
	SECTIONS: 1.eqn 2.teq 3.pte  /* eqn, tbl+eqn, pic+tbl+eqn */
	paper :! pre $(SECTIONS) post
	3.pte:	figure1.pic		/* .so */
and be able to specify "format only this section", "format only these
pages", "preprocess only, so I can check syntax errors", and, ideally,
"do the same sections|pages you did last time".  I have a huge old
makefile that does some of these things; it's hard to maintain and

Tim McDaniel; CSRD at the Silicon Prairie
(Center for Supercomputing Research and Development
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

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