Problems with the 7300

Ross M. Greenberg greenber at timeinc.UUCP
Sat May 11 07:06:43 AEST 1985

In article <1160 at cbosgd.UUCP> mark at cbosgd.UUCP (Mark Horton) writes:
(Quoting me...):
>>Escaping to shell (or forking to vi) from
>>$ ls -lR / | more   (or ls -lR / | page)
>>barfs out.  Funny error messages, some endless loops, etc.
>>Looks like a piping problem.
>Why would you want to vi the output of the ls command?  This is an old
>bug in more that was fixed by 4.2BSD - it's execing vi with stdin set
>to the pipe, so the output of ls is being taken by vi as keyboard commands.
>More now beeps if you try to do something this silly.  I'm not sure what
>pg does in SVR2.

Mark, if you note from above, I talked about *escaping* to the shell or vi.
You know, like when more gives that funky  --More-- jazz and awaits your
input?? I typed a simple "!sh" or a simple "!vi" and was taken out
for breakfast, lunch *and* dinner.  Page did it too. You're right in that
it appeared to be taking some of the stuff in the pipe as input to the
new child process.

>>AT&T claim 9 users.  Could be.  I felt it was *VERY*
>>slow with one user.
>More specifically, the disk is slow, compared to the speed of everything
>else.  CPU processes seem quite fast.  However, in a disk that small and
>that inexpensive, you can't expect a lot of speed.
>	Mark
Yes, I can expect a faster performing *machine* from AT&T.  If it isn't
fast enough to do any practical work, then (whatever the reason) the
machine just doesn't have the bang for the buck that I was hoping. 
I mean, lets be serious: $7000 for a machine that requires over a minute
for simultaneous logins on two terminals??? Now this machine only
had 512K so there was a lot of swapping going on, but why would AT&T
send an army (well, about eight people) to a Uni-Group meeting with
machines that were configured as such toys *UNLESS* they actually
consider that to be what people will buy.

I don't want to buy a Super-Duper Disk Unit from Smith's Computer
company to make up for problems in the configuration and pricing scheme
that AT&T choose.


Ross M. Greenberg  @ Time Inc, New York 
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