Favorite operating systems query

Garry Wiegand garry at batcomputer.TN.CORNELL.EDU
Mon Jun 30 11:02:05 AEST 1986

(cross-posted to info-vax)

By just saying what I *liked* about VMS, and not saying *anything* about
any other operating system, I was trying hard not to get drawn into the
Unix wars. But I can't take the all the nonsense (tho there's been some 
sense too) that's been flowing by. Specifically:

1) Any message that begins with something of the form of "I prefer Unix but
   I'm a VMS expert too and I know you can't do ..." deserves an immediate
   'n' key. The body of the message can be safely assumed to be wrong.

2) The C language and the C run-time library are no longer the same thing as 
   "Unix"! I have cheerfully carried C programs full of library calls 
   back and forth between my VMS Vax, my Unix Vax, a MS-DOS PC, and a 
   MacIntosh. It's easy. When I want to create a file with a specific file 
   protection (not that I ever have wanted such a thing :-)) I call 'creat'. 
   Yes, on VMS! What we're supposed to be having here is a system war, not 
   a language war. Let's keep it pure, people!

3) The c-shell and Bourne shell are fine and wonderful in and of themselves,
   and would be a nice amenity on any system. Wollongong's implementation 
   of them on VMS side-stepped the process creation problem, but they
   unfortunately lost the DCL commands somewhere else along the way,
   leaving only the Unix syntax. I like my DCL command syntax and I'd 
   love to be able to wrap a better control structure around them. (I 
   haven't seen Dec/Shell yet; don't know if they did it right.) 
   Anyhow, the *shell* isn't "Unix" either! 

4) What *is* unique to a Unix system are the Unix system service calls,
   like 'stty' and 'fork' (as opposed to 'vfork').  This has made carrying
   system-referencing utilities between vanilla unixae pretty easy, and I
   can't deny it. But see diatribe.

*Diatribe begins here*

What I see now is Berkeley diverging from Bell Labs, all the micros
out there diverging from both, and many wizards burning the midnight oil
adding whizbangs like sockets, asynchronous I/O, window managers,
semaphores and network file systems -- things that will never be propagated 
to the whole unix world. Soon you will have to refer to Unix as "a family
of operating systems", seriously overlapping with other systems like VMS.

Which is all to the good. "Cross-fertilization", says I. "Willingness to
listen to other ideas", says I.  When it comes to something as complex as
an operating system and all its support utilities, don't close yourself
out. Listen to the VMS hackers. Standards are for dead people. 

(Now, can I please have a good Ultrix debugger?)

*end diatribe*
garry wiegand   (garry%cadif-oak at cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu)

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